Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Since Brenda gave you some of the stuff that is going on, I thought I would fill in a little more for you.  It has been a busy week and not as much information as I would have liked when we met with the doctor last Tuesday.  Today's meeting with the doctor was to check on how Mom tolerated the new shot that she was given last Tuesday and general health issues.   Mom will get this shot every 4 weeks and it is to help strengthen her bones as the cancer is deteriorating her bones.   It is too early to tell if the radiation is working and thus we have to wait another couple of months and then they will do more scans and see just how it has done in shrinking the tumors.  As Brenda said, Mom has a hard time eating and so she gets dehydrated easily, thus the IVs at the hospital over the weekend.  Mom is staying positive and is very glad the radiation is done!!  Dad is doing a great job in taking care of Mom.  Dad's doctor visit came back with good news.  His heart is doing fine and he just needs to take some blood pressure medicine and get rechecked in a few months.   Love you all!!

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